As a student who just finished my sophomore year in high school, I would say it was very successful and honestly it went by soooo fast! I remember the first day of sophomore year: intimidating, nerve-wrecking and exciting. If I only knew then all the accomplishments that happened during the year, I would have been more confident. Well, now I know ;)
From receiving the grades I wanted, to receiving new positions made me reflect a lot on all the new things I have learnt over the year.
Lesson #1: Stressing doesn't make anything better.
- This one is quite a personal one for me, because I ALWAYS stress. always. It is just this thing that I can't control, once I do something I always have this gut feeling of "what if." Honestly its quite bad, my friends don't even take it into consideration anymore because I always say "Oh my gosh, I don't think I did that well..." and end up getting a higher grade then them, if not even an 100. haha. Honestly, its quite funny but I really should realize that, stressing won't change anything that has happened and trust me, it won't make it any better.
Lesson #2: Tests do not define who you are.
- In my experiences, whenever I didn't get the results I wanted, I always thought it was the end of the world. Although I make sure I study and do good on all of my tests, I noticed that even if I did bad in a test, for instance, "graphing and analyzing absolute values," it doesn't define who I am, nor determine your success in life.
Lesson #3: Hard work pays off.
- All I can say is that, there is nothing false about this statement. If you know what you want, and you truly desire something, you would need to work for it. It might be hard at the moment, but it will all be worth it by the end. :)
Lesson #4: The more you study, the easier the test.
- This isn't anything new, but there were times that I was guilty of studying the night before a test... whoops? Although, I end up studying hard core, it isn't enough time to take the actual exam without any struggles. I always regret it after, but I end up doing it over again. :/ However, if you think about it, it's like lesson three above: if you study hard (even if you are having a hard time), you wouldn't need to stress and the test would be a breeze.
These are the things I have learned! What valuable lessons have you learned from school? Leave them in the comments below! xx
As a 16 year old girl who loves organization and is slightly a perfectionist, I am utterly obsessed with stationary! I promise you, if you take me to a shop filled with them, I would probably die of happiness. haha.
In this post, the items I am showcasing today are my current stationary favorites regarding pens that I believe everyone should have. I'm not saying that you need to have over 30+ pens but if you are looking for new ones, I would definitely recommend these!
Staedtler Triplus Fineliner Pens - Recently, a friend of mine gifted me a pack of them and honestly, I am so thankful! They are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! The quality and packaging are divine and I truly feel comfortable writing in them. This might sound weird but I believe it makes my handwriting look nicer as it glides super well on paper!
Papermate InkJoy Gel Pens - First of all, can we just stop and admire the packaging? I personally adore the designs of these pens as they are so cute! Plus, they are very smooth while writing and they glide nicely. Just keep in mind that these are a bit thick when you write, considering that their fine tips are 0.7.
Copic Markers - These are probably the most highest quality markers I have ever used in my life -yep, I said it. These pens are a little more on the pricy side but they definitely are for a reason. They are made almost like a brush that you can use to "paint" on your artworks. Personally, I really love drawing and these copics make them look fantastic. They come in all sizes & colors each individually used for different purposes. I couldn't stress even more how much these pens are truly outstanding and super high quality. :)
Anyone knows where the "Star Ferry Pier" sign is from? ;) Leave it in the comments!
What are your favorites? xx
For some, summer may mean the start of your Netflix marathons, tanning streaks or catching up on your reads. If so, I have a selection of books I have purchased that I am very excited to read myself!
Personally, I truly like books with the included genres of adventure and mystery as it portrays stories that are very interesting in my opinion. Although these select books may not "float your boat" I would recommend these to any teens out there who share the same interests as I!
In addition, I have heard wonderful reviews about these books, allowing me to have great confidence in the selection I have picked out for today's post. Enjoy! :)
Click the links above to access more information on the selected books.
What books are you planning to read this summer? Comment down below! xx
For today's post I created a pretty silly and cute planner for this month - June!
Here is a preview:
Click here to access the pdf!
As summer has almost started and students like I will be able to enjoy the next two months stress -free, I will have a lot of time in my hands to do the things I enjoy. For instance, it will be the perfect time to start exercising again as it has been over 6 months since I have been apart of the swim team in my school. As you may know, being in the swim team meant that I practiced everyday for 2 hours straight. Meaning, I ended being a lot stronger by the end and in great shape!
Furthermore, since I will start heading to the gym, here are a few reasons why you should too!
One Word: Health - I believe it is super important to keep your health a priority. Although I am not saying that I go to the gym everyday, I do try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep track of my daily routines. I would love to start heading to the gym more often but as a high school student it remains challenging.
Less Stress - Studies have proven that exercise can help reduce stress for anyone as it brings many benefits to the body. For instance, these activities can help increase alertness, and enhancing overall cognitive functions. In addition, as you exercise your body produces endorphins and in return may act as "painkillers" which can allow you to sleep easier and reduce stress.
Do you go to the gym? If not, how do you exercise? Leave them in the comments below! xx
Ever since I have started blogging, I always knew that I was going to be sharing my content through Bloglovin'.
For anyone who doesn't know, Bloglovin' is a website where you can view all your favorite blogs in one place! You have the option to follow as many blogs through your account, where you will also receive notifications of when new blog posts are being published too.
Furthermore, I use Bloglovin' because I believe it is the most easiest and versatile way for me to start a following and connect with other users. There I can connect with other bloggers by liking and commenting on their posts, plus, I can also share my favorites on my profile page.
In addition, Bloglovin' makes it super easy to share my posts on two domains: my website ( & Bloglovin' at the same time! Without the extra bother of uploading it manually twice, once I have claimed my blog it automatically connects with one another. Meaning, once I upload anything to my site it goes straight to Bloglovin' too! Cool, right?
For many aspiring to become successful bloggers, I truly support the use of this application as it works perfectly for building an audience, and its purpose of sharing content. I love how simple it is to use and the minimalistic looks of the site. It's functions are easy to understand and I have never hesitated towards any of my actions on Bloglovin'.
Thank you Bloglovin' for helping me connect and share my content with others! <3
Have you ever used Bloglovin'? If not, click the button below to sign up and follow me there! xx
As May has sadly come to an end, it only means one thing... I have officially launched the June Challenge for my blog! (click here to read more about it).
In addition, since it is the start of a new month, it would only be fitting to mention my new goals for the next several weeks!
Here it is -
- Successfully complete my June Challenge (click here to read more about it)
- Complete any form of exercise everyday
- Clear out materials no longer needed from the finishing school year
- Practice playing the piano daily! (I'm super excited about this one!)
- Organize my workspace
- Eat healthy and drink lots of water!
(This is a picture I took, during my last trip to Hong Kong. Click here to read about my experience!)
I decided that I will start publishing DAILY during the whole month of JUNE! Eek!
Personally, I am so excited as I haven't done anything like this before and it will be so much fun!
Make sure to leave any suggestions in the comments if you have any requests!!
Today marks exactly 6 days until my birthday! Plus, I only have 2 more weeks of school left!
I am thrilled for the summer as I feel like I have been waiting for a whole year! haha. I have a lot planned for July as I will travel to Israel for the month and meet my family! Hi, if you are reading ;)
In addition, I am super happy to announce that I will start learning how to play the piano as it has been a wish of mine for a quite a while.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned during the exciting month of June for nicochulin!
The other day, I was searching through Quora and as I was reading random questions, I happened to stumble upon this:
What was something that someone said or did that has changed you forever?"
"Next year, you'll wish you
had started today."
Immediately, I stopped and thought long and hard... I wish I saw this quote earlier.
I have never mentioned this story to anyone, but a couple years ago when I was in the sixth grade (quite early) I truly wanted to start a domain for myself and I always knew I wanted it... however, I was too scared to tell anyone and always left that thought in the corner of my mind.
Looking back, it might not have worked, especially since I had a 12 year old mindset, however, I wish I started when I wanted to. This way, I could have grown to have experience over time and learn from my mistakes. Even if no one was to ever read or watch any of my work, I would still receive the satisfaction that I wanted.
Even though I say this, I finally had the guts in 9th grade to start my own blog. No, it is not the same as this one but I did create one before this. I could remember being so happy when I launched, I was jumping up and down and showing my mom every thing that I have made. However, as you might be wondering, what happened to that blog?
Well, after a couple months I didn't know what to do anymore. I felt like I was running out of ideas after publishing one blog post after another. It got to a point where I didn't mind missing one or two posts on my schedule, but as you can imagine, it started becoming a habit and it turned out to be acceptable to stop writing.
Although, you guys might be wondering why I shared this story about my old blog, it goes to show that even though it didn't work, I tried!
This is where another quote comes to mind: You are your worst enemy.
The lesson of this post is that no matter what you dream of, try and pursue it no matter what obstacles you have. As for me, I didn't have anyone stopping me from what I wanted and that's because I didn't even share my thoughts with anyone. I, myself, thought I didn't have the potential to try something new.
As a result, if you do try and make your dreams work TODAY, you never know what could happen in a year from now.
I have never mentioned this story to anyone, but a couple years ago when I was in the sixth grade (quite early) I truly wanted to start a domain for myself and I always knew I wanted it... however, I was too scared to tell anyone and always left that thought in the corner of my mind.
Looking back, it might not have worked, especially since I had a 12 year old mindset, however, I wish I started when I wanted to. This way, I could have grown to have experience over time and learn from my mistakes. Even if no one was to ever read or watch any of my work, I would still receive the satisfaction that I wanted.
Even though I say this, I finally had the guts in 9th grade to start my own blog. No, it is not the same as this one but I did create one before this. I could remember being so happy when I launched, I was jumping up and down and showing my mom every thing that I have made. However, as you might be wondering, what happened to that blog?
Well, after a couple months I didn't know what to do anymore. I felt like I was running out of ideas after publishing one blog post after another. It got to a point where I didn't mind missing one or two posts on my schedule, but as you can imagine, it started becoming a habit and it turned out to be acceptable to stop writing.
Although, you guys might be wondering why I shared this story about my old blog, it goes to show that even though it didn't work, I tried!
The lesson of this post is that no matter what you dream of, try and pursue it no matter what obstacles you have. As for me, I didn't have anyone stopping me from what I wanted and that's because I didn't even share my thoughts with anyone. I, myself, thought I didn't have the potential to try something new.
As a result, if you do try and make your dreams work TODAY, you never know what could happen in a year from now.
As April reaches its end, I now look forward to my most favorite month of the year - May!
During May, it is usually the time of year a high school student like me must complete all school end of course exams, eek! However, besides the stress of testing, May was the month I was born! I love the feeling of May due to the thrill and joy I receive from weeks to come!
As usual, here are my hopes and aspirations for the upcoming month!
- Succeed in all of my school exams to come! (I have 5 tests to take including A.P) 😖
- Plan fun activities and birthday ideas for my sweet 16!
- Hit the gym more often
- Drink more water!
- Limit the amount of chocolate I consume (except for my birthday ;D)
- Upload as much blog posts this month - keep a look out!
- It Ain't Me - Kygo & Selena Gomez
- There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back - Shawn Mendes
- Attention - Charlie Puth
- Love on the Brain - Rihanna
- Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran
- Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
- Waterfall - Stargate feat P!nk & Sia
- Good Life - G-Eazy & Kehlani
- Issues - Julia Michaels
- Green Light - Lorde
- At My Best - Machine Gun Kelly feat Hailee Steinfeld
- Symphony- Clean Bandit feat Zara Larsson
- The One - The Chainsmokers
- September Song - JP Cooper
- Touch - Little Mix
What are your favorite songs at the moment? Leave them in the comments! xx
April 12, 2017
As a girl who grew up with the "London look" I believe it was time for a change, especially since I have been waiting to put these on for quite a while.
A lot of people has reached out to me and said, "Congrats but I'm so sorry for you!" However, I respond by saying, "Thanks, I am actually really happy."
This might sound ironic especially because of the pain many have to endure during the process, but honestly, I could only smile during my appointment. :)
-- The Appointment--
As it was time for me to put on braces, I only expected to go to the orthodontist to get my teeth checked and to find out further actions that would need to be taken. In no way was I expecting to get it that day!!
As they were checking my teeth and consolidating everything to my mother (since I am only turning 16 soon) out of nowhere the orthodontist says, "We would be able to do them now if you are ready."
Not even kidding - I almost cried.
I was so happy because for the past year I have been waiting on the edge of my seat and finally, it was the day.
As they walked me inside and sat me down, I was probably the most happiest and joyful person in the room. I was so ecstatic that I was even smiling during the procedure.
They first cleaned my teeth and asked me which color of braces I would like and I personally decided to go with silver as it blends with the metal. As I am just starting my treatment, I was only applying my top set of braces for that day.
Afterwards, they glued the braces on and applied the wire. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt at all! It was sometimes uncomfortable but I was never in pain.
-- Post-Appointment --
I remember it honestly being the most weirdest feeling ever. It felt like there was something in the way of my teeth causing my lips the inability of closing them together.
I came out of the office, literally in so many emotions: shocked, happy, overwhelmed, and excited.
You must be thinking, "Really, they are only braces!?" But for me, they are more than that. For waiting quite long I believe it is truly an accomplishment. As I feel like I would be a new person with a great smile after a year of braces. (Just to clarify, my teeth aren't bad, they are straight but they contain many gaps so this procedure is mostly for aesthetic purposes only.)
I was told the next day I would be in so much pain that I wont even be able to eat anything. Well, for me it wasn't really the case.
I dont know if it was because I was just super excited and my happiness took over but I honestly didn't feel so much pain.
Yes - it did hurt because I felt an immense amount of pressure but not to the point that I couldn't take it any longer. My sister had it in the past and she told me it hurt so badly and so have others, however, I was probably expecting so much pain that it honestly didn't compare to my thoughts.
-- Present --
As of now, it has been a week and a half and I can honestly say that I feel great! My teeth do feel very sensitive as it is still a little hard to eat but overall, everything is good.
I am very satisfied with my experience so far and I can't wait for the future! :)
Have you ever got braces? If so, how was your experience?
Leave them in the comments below!
Spring has finally arrived - my favorite season! Flowers start blooming, the sun starts shining and the environment is bright and happier. *imagine birds chirping in the background* Isn't it peaceful?
Not only that, but... I'm on spring break! Although, I didn't have anything planned this time, I honestly enjoy sitting home and relaxing. This is the time for me to study and play games at home all day! I know everyone is different and might not agree with me but sometimes I feel like I need to do absolutely nothing!
In the past couple weeks, I have been super overwhelmed with everything I have been assigned to do and I had this HUGE urge to just click the "pause" button in my life. Time was going way too fast and I didn't even have time to process everything that was happening to me. Trust me - you would never want to feel the way I did.
Nevertheless, I have a few more days to myself to do what I want. The world is ours to take - lets make the most out of it! My task for anyone reading this at the moment is to do something that makes you happy whether its walking your dog or going to an amusement park - do something that you enjoy in the next couple days. Breath, sit back, and relax - even if its for a minute!
What have you planned this spring? xx
As it has become the end of March, I have realized that I have learned a lot of valuable lessons throughout the last 4 weeks. I have to admit, this month has been hectic but in many ways wonderful. I got to attend a lot of amazing events, and I got to travel back to Hong Kong. However, throughout this time I have also been hurt by people I once thought would change over time.
Not everything will be easy in life, and my life is definitely not perfect but I have come to realize that I should use these dark times of mine and take note from it. Although, I say this now it doesn't mean I am always able to do this but I really felt like I learnt a handful of powerful lessons from others and from me during this time of year.
I wish I can explain each and every lesson I have put out but I have the fear of exposing the people who might read this. Although, that is very unlikely, I definitely want to share to my readers that I have learned and hopefully teach others that it is okay to fall sometimes, but what counts is how you get back up.
- Spend time with people who like you back
- Make sure to back up any information on your devices
- When bad things happen, being angry/depressed doesn't make it any better
- Find positivity in times of darkness
- Work hard, and you will be rewarded
I hope you take out of this that no matter what happens, always reflect on your actions and make sure to learn from them. May you take these lessons and use them to good use... Thanks for reading!
What lessons have you learned this month? Leave them in the comments below!
On Friday, (March 10) I visited the flower market during my stay in Hong Kong. In fact, this wasn't my first time since I visited it a couple more times while I lived there. Although I say this, it was nice checking the market at a mature age compared to the times I have been when I was less than 10 years old. I notice how much I take my incredible life for granted. I don't realize it, but so many people would be amazed just to be in my place... and I am grateful for that.
So here are some of the shots I have from my visit! eek! Enjoy :)
First mistake: I always told myself that I would never lose my phone. Meaning, I barely backed up any of my information and I didn't save any of it to my other devices.
I used my phone for everything. I had thousands of photos with great memories... All my personal accounts were being used 24/7, such as my social media platforms to connect with friends and family. I basically had all my information being held in this device, if one was to look through it, you would know everything about me.
I dont understand... one would think that if you are always using your phone, you would always know where it is. In actual truth, this is FALSE.
You may never know what can happen to your mobile devices, and after today I will never make the same mistake.
Lets rewind...
It was March 7, 2017 as I was visiting my hometown, Hong Kong. (Lets just acknowledge that I am not even home and I am traveling overseas.) It was a great day as I was visiting my old school and friends.
I got to meet many people that I haven't seen in over 2 years and I was very excited. The day started with me taking great photos of the city itself with my sister, Sophie. We walked through the streets with our cameras ready, trying to take the perfect shot. As it was my 4th day in Hong Kong, I had already collected a full album of pictures I was ready to post for my blog.
After visiting my school I decided to hang out with some of my prior classmates. We went to "Central" consisting of many shops and places to eat. Being me, we obviously went to Starbucks. We had a good time as we were catching up on everything we missed in each others lives. It was fun.
We decided to take a taxi back home. We were chatting away in the back of the taxi with my phone on my lap. Here is where it gets complicated...
When it finally reached my stop, I'm not 100% sure of what happened exactly but I must have put my phone down to give hugs to all my friends. It was hard getting off the taxi since there was a limited amount of space, meaning I must have rushed out. As I was walking to my hotel I wanted to check in with my family and by the time I noticed I didn't have my phone, I panicked. I immediately rush back to the street to find out that the taxi has already left.
Long story short - My friends never found my phone and my life was over. jk. But, in all seriousness, I am truly shocked and upset. I never thought that this would happen to me... I am heartbroken.
I know its only an object, but just the thought of losing all my information (photos, open emails, contacts, social media accounts) and leaving it in the hands of another is truly daunting. I will miss all the photos that I have taken, especially since I hold memories sentimental to the heart.
P.S. can we also just mention, that I am going to have to pay for the cost of a new phone... :/
Well, this is it. Hopefully, this would only happen once in my life, and I will learn from this experience.
Please share this with friends and family. I would love to spread the awareness of how important it is to back up and save all your information.
You never know what might happen.
Hi! My name is Nicole and I am currently attending high school. I am a 15 year old teenager, who dreams of achieving a life filled with joy and happiness. (lol. I apologize in advance, for being extremely cheesy, but it's true! :P)
Anyways, here are a handful of questions that I would be answering for today!
What is your middle name?
- In my family, a middle name isn't considered necessary and therefore, I don't have one.
What is your favorite color?
- I absolutely adore the color PINK! If you couldn't tell from my blog theme, everything is mostly different shades of light pink.
How tall are you?
- At the moment, I am 5'2! I have always been shorter than others haha.
Cats or Dogs?
- I honestly love them equally! I used to only love dogs, however, for the past 5 months I have volunteered with cats in my local pet store. I believe that if you give them a chance, you would really see that they are actually sweet in their own way. :)
What is your favorite/worst subject in high school?
- Currently, I absolutely love my Yearbook class! As an editor for the academics section, I take up a lot of responsibility and I have the opportunity to take leadership. I also enjoy the editing and designs that I must do to create the pages. It is something I enjoy and something that I'm pretty good at. hehe.
- As for my worst... I have never been fond of my math classes. This year, I am taking Algebra II and I have a lot of trouble understanding things at times. I'm not that bad at math, however, it never comes easy for me.
Tea or Coffee?
- Definitely, coffee!! I have never liked tea growing up and when I do order a coffee it always has milk and sugar!
Do you have any siblings?
- Yes, I have one older sister and an older half sister.
- My older sister is 14 months older than me and her name is Sophie! She is currently sixteen years old and will turn seventeen in just a month.
- My half sister (who is basically my sister, we are very close) lives in Israel. Her name is Anaelle.
PC or Mac?
- I have always been a Mac person! I currently have the late 2016 MacBook Pro.
Well... that would be it for today! If you would like a part 2 let me know in the comments!! Any questions you would like to ask me? Leave them in the comments too!

(Photo taken by my sister)
Although it is a little late, I still thought it would be worth collecting a few goals for this month.
So far, February has been quite a rollercoaster and to be honest, I am super stressed. Hopefully, these goals will keep me on track and only towards positive things. :)
- Continue developing my blog
- Work hard towards everything I do
- Drink lots of water
- Eat healthy (limit the amount of chocolate I eat :P)
- Sleep earlier - No later than 12
- Write more
As for ideas, I decided it would be best to share my own list. This way, my readers can get to know me in a personal level and can still gain new ideas too!
My Bucket List
- Vist Hawaii
- Visit the Maldives
- Visit all 7 wonders of the world
Go zip Lining- Go skydiving
Go on a road tripSee the Mona LisaGo to the Eiffel Tower- Go skiing
- Go scuba diving
- See the Northern Lights
See a full rainbow- Go on a hot air balloon
- Go swimming with dolphins
- Touch Snow
- Run a marathon
- Learn to play an instrument
- Go on a helicopter
- Go surfing
Explore a caveGo bamboo rafting- Make a snowman
- Fly first class
- Go star-gazing
- Go paragliding
- Have a food fight
- Solve a rubiks cube
- Let go of a floating lantern
- Go to La Tomatina
- Stay at an ice hotel
- Do a color run
Do a foam glow run- Go an a picnic
- Visit the Golden Gate
- Go on a Segway
Be in an escape room- Go to Japan
Go to IndiaGo to Dubai
For a while now, I have started using Pinterest non-stop! It has become a part of my daily routine to pin pin pin! If you want to check out my profile, be sure to click here!
As for using the application, over the course I have found amazing accounts referring to lifestyle, beauty, fashion and blogging tips!
Here are my favorites:
As for using the application, over the course I have found amazing accounts referring to lifestyle, beauty, fashion and blogging tips!
Here are my favorites:
- Mary Angela | Illustrator & Website Builder
- Oh Happy Day!
- Song of Style
- Lauren Zwanziger
- HonestlyWTF
- Abby Larson
- Erin Loechner / Design for Mankind
- eat/sleep/wear
- Nina Garcia
- Kate Arends
Denim & Boots. The Perfect On the Go Outfit.
Nothing can go wrong with wearing a little bit of denim. Whether it's a denim jacket or a pair of jeans, you can match it with many other items in your closet. Today, I would like to share with you a couple winter outfit staples that can never go wrong.
Jean Jacket (Denim) - I love the look of these jackets - edgy and stylish. Whether it's fitted or a little bit oversized it can keep you warm and chic for the winter.
Winter boots - I personally adore the way ankle boots look on anyone, it makes someone's outfit a lot more eye-catching. However, if you aren't a fan, a great alternative could be a pair of black boots with heels. Shoe laces or no laces, you can dress your look up and down.
Skinny Jeans/Leggings - Any pair of tight pants can make your outfit look a lot more sleek. In my opinion, I personally love wearing tighter jeans or leggings rather than baggy and lose pants.