
Monthly Goals: May 2017

April 28, 2017

As April reaches its end, I now look forward to my most favorite month of the year - May!

During May, it is usually the time of year a high school student like me must complete all school end of course exams, eek! However, besides the stress of testing, May was the month I was born! I love the feeling of May due to the thrill and joy I receive from weeks to come!

As usual, here are my hopes and aspirations for the upcoming month!

  • Succeed in all of my school exams to come! (I have 5 tests to take including A.P) 😖
  • Plan fun activities and birthday ideas for my sweet 16!
  • Hit the gym more often
  • Drink more water!
  • Limit the amount of chocolate I consume (except for my birthday ;D)
  • Upload as much blog posts this month - keep a look out! 

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  1. Monthly goals is a great blog post idea! I have a post it note on my desk to remind me to drink more water too haha x

    Freya |

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2017

    Good luck with your goals :)

    The Makeup Directory


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